Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our Little Girl

Sorry that I haven't updated my blog for so long. There has been a month or so when our computer didn't work, and now we no longer have Internet at our house. So this all makes updating a blog kind of hard. But here is our most recent news...
Corey and I are having a baby! We just found out yesterday, Feb. 25, 2009 that we were having a GIRL! Our sweet little girl is due July 6, 2009. The doctor said that everything looked good on our ultrasound! She is healthy and has everything that she is supposed to have at this point. I am doing well also, I haven't been sick at all. Thank heavens! Life is good! Corey was really hoping for a boy, but we are so excited to be having a girl and that all is well. Hopefully I can keep up to date from here on out!


Brad and Jana said...

We are so excited for you guys! And yet very jealous that you are getting a girl! As you know we do not have much luck with that! We love you guys and know that you will be great parents to your sweet baby!

Jen said...

We are super excited too. Good thing it's a girl... the boys were really starting to outnumber the girls. :)

Jake, Megan, Ryder, Emma and Tessa said...

Congrats Jodie!! That is SO AWESOME!!! Do you have any names? That is the fun part!! =) YOu will be a great mom!!

fasdfasdsadf said...

yeah for girls! you should have her on the 7, thats my b-day!:) we will have to get together before we leave for the summer!

the LAWRENCE family said...

aCongratulations! I was starting to wonder after we talked to you at WalMart that night.

Jen said...

I'm so excited for you guys little girls are fun I hear !!!! congrats and i'm jealous that you haven't been sick good for you!!!!

Jessica said...

We are extra excited for you guys!! I love to look at these pictures and can hardly wait to see some after she is born. When do I get to see some of you Jo? I am missing out on seeing what you look like pregnant, so post some of those for my sake! Love you guys and congrats on having a sweet little girl!

Steffy said...

Jodi--Congrats!! I am so excited for you guys. I just love ya-I'm so glad you are updating the blog. I've missed you!

Lisa said...

Jodie, I am so excited for you guys. That is so fun. You guys will be awesome parents.

jane said...

Whahoo!!!! I am sooo excited for
you two!! (Oops three) You two will be cute parents!! Love, Auntie Trudy

itsahalesofalife said...

CONGRATS!! That is so exciting. And she will be here soon!
I am sure she will be healthy and beautiful. Good job, I am so happy for you.